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7 Helpful ChatGPT Prompts for Incorporating Storytelling in Emails

Gerrard + Bizway AI Assistant
Last updated: 
March 1, 2024
5 min read

Storytelling in emails can be a powerful way to connect with your audience, share brand values, and engage customers on a more personal level. It turns simple messages into compelling narratives that can resonate deeply with subscribers. Here are seven helpful ChatGPT prompts to help you weave storytelling into your email campaigns effectively.

1. Crafting an Engaging Opening Story

  • The Prompt: "Create an opening story for an email that connects [Company's] mission to a recent event or customer experience."
  • Sample Response: "Start with a customer's story highlighting how they overcame a specific challenge using [Company’s Product/Service], tying it back to [Company’s] commitment to customer success."
  • Additional Info to Provide: Company mission statement, the brand’s core values, and narratives from customer testimonials.
  • Use Cases: Introducing a customer-centric email that showcases the brand's impact on real people, fostering trust and relatability.

2. Sharing Behind-the-Scenes Insights

  • The Prompt: "Develop a behind-the-scenes narrative that illustrates the creation process of [Company's] new product."
  • Sample Response: "Describe the journey from ideation to realization, the challenges faced, and the collaborative effort it took to bring the new product to life, emphasizing the dedication to quality and innovation."
  • Additional Info to Provide: Insights into the product development process, team anecdotes, and product innovation highlights.
  • Use Cases: Positioning the company as innovative and transparent, inviting customers to be part of the company’s evolutionary journey.

3. Highlighting Company Milestones

  • The Prompt: "Compose a narrative centered around [Company’s] recent milestone and its significance."
  • Sample Response: "Craft a story of growth and commitment leading up to the milestone, reflecting on how each customer's support contributed to this achievement."
  • Additional Info to Provide: Background on the milestone, historical context, and its importance to the company’s path forward.
  • Use Cases: Celebrating company achievements with subscribers to evoke a sense of shared pride and community.

4. Telling Customer Success Stories

  • The Prompt: "Write a customer success story that can be included in an email to demonstrate the real-life value of [Company's] offerings."
  • Sample Response: "Share a story of a customer who triumphed over a challenge or achieved their goals using [Company’s] products/services, focusing on the emotional and practical aspects of their journey."
  • Additional Info to Provide: Actual customer experiences, outcomes, and how the company supported their journey.
  • Use Cases: Validating the effectiveness of the company's offerings through impactful and relatable customer narratives.

5. Incorporating Team Member Spotlights

  • The Prompt: "Feature a team member spotlight in our emails to humanize [Company Name] and build a connection with our audience."
  • Sample Response: "Introduce [Team Member], share their role, personal story, and how they embody [Company's] mission, giving subscribers a personal connection to the brand."
  • Additional Info to Provide: Information about the team member, their contributions to the company, and a relatable personal story.
  • Use Cases: Introducing the faces behind the brand to create a genuine connection and showcase the brand’s value-driven culture.

6. Explaining Industry Trends via Narratives

  • The Prompt: "Utilize storytelling to explain current industry trends and their impact on customers in our newsletter."
  • Sample Response: "Tell the story of how evolving trends like [Trend] are revolutionizing the customer experience, painting a picture of the future in which customers and [Company] thrive together."
  • Additional Info to Provide: Examples of industry trends, data supporting their relevance, and any anecdotes from the brand’s experience with these trends.
  • Use Cases: Informing subscribers about relevant industry changes in an accessible, narrative-driven format, positioning the brand as a thought leader.

7. Creating a Series with a Recurring Character


Gerrard + Bizway AI Assistant

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