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Bizway - A team of AI Assistants for every solo business | Product Hunt

Launch your business faster, with Bizway.

"If you are starting a business, or running a business, Bizway can provide the value of several employees."
for creating your plan

Go from idea to business plan.



1 Biz Workspace

5 Shortcut Runs / mo ⚡

Roadmap Generator

No AI Assistant Chat

Limited Recommendations

Get started
for testing ai assistants

Test your first Assistants.



10 AI Assistants

200 credits / mo

20 Project Runs / mo⚡

30 Projects

Business Model tools

KPIs tracking

3 Biz Workspaces

Choose Lite
Get started
for creating your plan

Go from idea to business plan.



1 Biz Workspace

50 Shortcuts / mo ⚡

Intelligent Roadmap

Personalized AI Assistant 🤖

Business Knowledge Base 📚

New: Shareable Pitch page 🚀

New: Collect feedback on your business ideas 💬

Start 7-day trial
Start 7-day free trial
for launching your business

Bring your business to market.



3 Biz Workspaces

250 Shortcuts / mo ⚡

Intelligent Roadmap

Personalized AI Assistant 🤖

Business Knowledge Base 📚

New: Shareable Pitch page 🚀

New: Collect feedback on your business ideas 💬

KPIs Tracking 📊

Unlimited Recommendations

All Shortcut Templates

Start 7-day trial
Start 7-day free trial
for businesses ready to scale

Automate you business growth.



Unlimited Biz Workspaces

Unlimited Shortcuts ⚡

Intelligent Roadmap

Personalized AI Assistant 🤖

Business Knowledge Base 📚

New: Shareable Pitch page 🚀

New: Collect feedback on your business ideas 💬

KPIs Tracking 📊

Unlimited Recommendations

All Shortcut Templates

Start 7-day trial
Start 7-day free trial
Have any questions?

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Shortcut run?
Can I upgrade if reach my limit for the month?
What is a Biz project?
Which model of GPT do you use in Bizway?