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Bizway Update: Pages, Assist, & Pitch

Gerrard + Bizway AI Assistant
Last updated: 
August 9, 2023
5 min read

From today (August 9th, 2023), you can now do a whole lot more in Bizway ✨

The latest version is now live, and with it a complete overhaul of how the Bizway app is structured, letting you do things like:

  • Create individual pages (such as ‘Market’, ‘Product’, ‘Marketing channels’);
  • Add Tasks and Notes directly to pages;
  • Interact with Bizway Assist (prev. 'Consult') on any page you create;
  • Publish your ‘Pitch’ (previously Plan) and share it with a URL.

Getting started

It will look like a new app to you. So, I’ve recorded a new series of Tutorials (11 short 2-minute episodes) to help you understand each of the new features.

Nobody likes watching tutorials. But hopefully these will be short enough to dip into as you need them. Here's a quick sample:

4. Using AI Assist in Bizway - Watch Video

You can also watch a full Demo build, showcasing the new app, here.

Migrating existing Biz data

If you’ve already been saving information to your Biz project, the changes in this latest update may have moved some things around for you.

What to note:

1. Any Tasks and Insights you saved will still be visible, and can now be found in the ‘Hub’ page under ‘All Tasks’ and ‘All Notes’

2. Any overviews you generated on what was previously your Plan page will now be visible on your ‘Pitch’ page;

3. Roadmaps are no longer a feature in the new Bizway app. Any Tasks you generated in your Roadmaps will still be visible, however you will no longer have access to the standalone ‘Roadmap page’.

I plan on releasing a component page that will provide the same functionality as roadmaps in the very near future, just better suited to the new app structure—but for now, you’ll no longer have the same view of your Roadmap pages as before!

Note: None of your Roadmaps have been deleted, so if you would like to still access your Roadmaps, please don't hesitate to get in touch and I can help you access them;

4. Biz Plan sections: If you have saved details about your Biz on the Plan page, such as ‘Market size’, ‘Product Offer’, some of these have been migrated for you into pages in the new app format. However, some of it will need to be recreated as Pages in the new app setup. Apologies for any inconvenience!

Again, if you find there is information missing that you’d like to keep or reference (say, a particular wording for your Value Proposition), then please just send me a message at and I’ll send you a copy of your saved Biz info—none of your saved details have been deleted, so feel free to request it as needed.

Something missing?

If you notice anything missing from your project, or if the new update is behaving strangely at all—don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Just to reiterate:

  • Nothing from your current Biz project has been deleted with the update;
  • If you’d like to request some information from the previous version, just send me an email at and I’m happy to help; and
  • If you need any help at all setting up your new pages, just get in touch and I’m happy to assist.

I'm hoping you enjoy the update, and would love to hear your feedback once you've had a chance to try it out :)



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Gerrard + Bizway AI Assistant

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