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7 Best Business Planning Apps for Entrepreneurs in 2023 (With AI Features)

Gerrard + Bizway AI Assistant
Last updated: 
August 28, 2023
5 min read

In the age of startups and online businesses, planning is paramount. A well-structured business plan not only helps in securing investors but also serves as a roadmap for your enterprise. With the plethora of digital tools available today, there's no need for pen and paper or tedious Excel sheets. Here's our roundup of the seven best business planning apps to streamline your entrepreneurial journey:

  1. Bizway
  2. IdeaBuddy
  3. LivePlan
  4. Upmetrics
  5. Bizplan
  6. nTask
  7. Notion

1. Bizway

An AI-powered hub for modern age businesses

Bizway stands out with its holistic approach to business planning. A web app that's user-friendly and intuitive, it's designed keeping digital and internet businesses in mind.


  • Page Creation: Users can seamlessly organize their thoughts with preset pages like Market, Product, Channel, Revenue stream, Customer Persona, and Cost.
  • Enhanced Productivity: Flesh out ideas with options like page properties, 'Assist' for guidance, 'Prompts' for inspiration, and 'Tasks' to remind yourself of upcoming actions.
  • Digital Resources: The option to add Notes, create Pins for relevant URLs, and an in-built 'Pitch' feature to share your business plan effortlessly makes Bizway a game-changer in the business planning domain.

2. IdeaBuddy

Turn Your Idea into Reality

Ideal for budding entrepreneurs, IdeaBuddy is a comprehensive tool that takes you from an idea to a structured business plan.


  • Dream, Plan, and Validate stages help in refining and structuring business concepts.
  • Financial forecasting for better budgeting and allocation.
  • Guidance from industry experts available within the app.

3. LivePlan

A Trusted Companion for Startups

LivePlan has long been a favorite amongst entrepreneurs, and for good reason. It offers simplicity and in-depth planning in one package.


  • Customizable templates suitable for various business types.
  • Visual projections and financial insights for better decision-making.
  • Collaboration tools for teams to work collectively on a plan.

4. Upmetrics

Your Blueprint for Business Success

Upmetrics is all about creating a blueprint that aligns with your business goals.


  • Intuitive drag-and-drop interface.
  • Financial forecasting and analytics.
  • Templates for various industries and business models.

5. Bizplan

Building Businesses, One Step at a Time

Bizplan breaks down the planning process into digestible pieces, ensuring no detail is overlooked.


  • Step-by-step builder for detailed planning.
  • Financial tools for budgeting and forecasting.
  • Collaboration options for team input.

6. nTask

More Than Just Planning

While primarily a task management tool, nTask is versatile enough to aid in business planning with its wide array of features.


  • Task lists, timelines, and Gantt charts for project planning.
  • Meeting schedules, timesheets, and team collaboration tools.
  • Risk management and issue tracking for smoother operations.

7. Notion

The All-in-One Workspace

Notion goes beyond just business planning. It's a workspace tool that can be used for notes, tasks, and even creating a knowledge base.


  • Hybrid tool combining notes, databases, and tasks.
  • Customizable templates for diverse needs.
  • Collaboration and sharing options for teams and clients.

How to use AI in your Business Plan

In the realm of business planning, AI tools, like ChatGPT, have become invaluable for entrepreneurs and seasoned business professionals alike. Here's how to harness the power of AI for your business plan and what to watch out for:

1. Enhancing Knowledge Base:

ChatGPT and similar tools are equipped with vast knowledge databases. They cover business theories, strategies, market research, and statistics about market sizing. So, if you're stuck or unsure about any concept, asking AI can save hours spent trawling through the internet or books.


  • Instant access to a massive information database.
  • Up-to-date with the latest validated knowledge (as of the last training cut-off).


  • Limited to the last training data, which means ultra-recent trends might not be reflected.
  • Might not have hyper-specific or niche industry information.

2. Strategy Formulation and Testing:

With AI, you can play out different scenarios or strategies and receive insights based on historical data and patterns. This is especially valuable when unsure about a specific market move or business decision.


  • Provides objective insights without human biases.
  • Can process vast amounts of data quickly.


  • Lacks human intuition and emotional intelligence.
  • Relies heavily on historical data, which might not always predict future outcomes.

3. Market Research and Statistics:

AI tools can provide a general overview of market sizes, segmentation, and other vital statistics. This is especially useful when you're venturing into an unfamiliar market.


  • Quick snapshot of market dynamics.
  • Saves time and resources on primary research.


  • Generalized data might not cater to specific business needs.
  • The accuracy might vary based on the niche and specificity of the query.

Using AI Effectively in Business Planning

While AI provides numerous advantages, it's crucial to utilize these tools effectively:

  • Complement, Don't Replace: Use AI to complement your human intuition and industry insights. It shouldn't replace human judgment.
  • Ask Specific Questions: The more specific you are with your queries, the better the AI can assist you.
  • Double-Check Critical Data: For vital decisions, always double-check AI-provided data with other sources.
  • Continuous Learning: AI tools evolve and improve. Keeping abreast of their updates ensures you're always getting the best out of them.

In conclusion, AI, when used judiciously, can be a game-changer in business planning. However, a balanced approach, combining AI insights with human judgment, is the key to crafting a robust and effective business plan.


Gerrard + Bizway AI Assistant

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