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How to Start a Digital Marketing Agency with No Experience (2023)

Gerrard + Bizway AI Assistant
Last updated: 
October 16, 2023
5 min read

Starting a digital marketing agency can seem daunting, especially if you lack experience or a portfolio to showcase your skills. However, it's not impossible. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to start a digital marketing agency with no experience.

1. Get Some Experience by Doing the Work

The best way to gain experience is by practicing digital marketing yourself. Here are some suggestions:

  • Grow your personal Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn account.
  • Start a blog and aim to increase its traffic to 10,000 visits per month.
  • Help friends, colleagues, or family members with their small businesses' digital marketing needs for free. Track your results to demonstrate your effectiveness.

By doing these, you'll gain hands-on experience and start building a portfolio.

2. Pick Your Digital Marketing Niche

After experimenting with different aspects of digital marketing, identify your strengths. Are you gifted in creating viral social media content? Can you craft email sequences with high open rates? Are you skilled in SEO keyword research? Once you find your niche, position your agency to offer these specific services.

3. Learn as Much as You Can About the Industry

Immerse yourself in your chosen niche. Subscribe to industry newsletters, follow experts on Twitter, read relevant books and articles, and attend webinars and conferences. The more you know, the better you can serve your clients.

4. Figure Out Your Target Customer

Identify the type of clients you want to serve. Are you aiming to work with law firms in the US? Or local retail shops? Understanding your target customer will help you tailor your services to their needs.

5. Scope Out Your Offerings

Decide on the packages you'll offer and set your pricing. Consider factors like the value you're providing, your target customers' budget, and industry standards.

6. Establish a Marketing Plan

Develop a strategy to attract clients. Your marketing methods should align with the services you're offering. For instance, if you're offering social media services, showcase your skills by using social media to attract clients.

7. Set Up Your Website

Create a professional website to showcase your offerings, share your portfolio, and provide contact information. Your website is often the first impression potential clients get, so make sure it's a good one.

8. Start Reaching Out to First Clients

Once your website is ready, start reaching out to potential clients. You could use cold emailing, networking events, or social media to get in touch.

9. Deliver Exceptional Work and Collect Feedback

Once you land your first clients, focus on providing outstanding service. Ask for feedback and testimonials to use in your marketing. As your portfolio grows, so will your credibility and client base.

Starting a digital marketing agency with no experience is a challenge, but it can be done.

If you need a helping hand planning out and researching your new venture, try Bizway for a helping hand at every step of the journey.


Gerrard + Bizway AI Assistant

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