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59 One-Person Online Business Ideas (That You Can Start With Very Little Money Upfront: 2023 List)

Gerrard + Bizway AI Assistant
Last updated: 
June 15, 2023
5 min read

It's normal to think of businesses as having offices, running meetings, raising investment and all sorts of other corporate-y things. But did you know thatover 80% of businesses started in the US (2020 figure) were just run by one person...

And when you add the ability to plan, start and conduct business online, this trend is only increasing (not to mention AI lending a helping hand to help one person business owners with all the admin, accounting and other boring business tasks!)

So, if you hear this news and still have on lingering trepidation ('but which business can I start?!'), here' s a list of 59 one-person business ideas to get you going.

59 One-Person Online Buisnesses Ideas For 2023 (That Don't Require A Ton Of Money To Start)

1. Freelance Writing Services

Freelance writers offer their writing skills to clients to help with a range of content needs, from blog posts and articles to web content and ebooks.

  • How it makes money: Charges clients per word, per hour, or per project
  • How it finds customers: Via freelance job platforms, networking, and personal website
  • Potential monthly revenue: Varies, but experienced writers can make $1,000 to $5,000+ a month
  • Ease of Starting: 8/10

2. Virtual Assistant

Virtual assistants provide administrative services to clients from a remote location. Tasks can include scheduling appointments, making phone calls, making travel arrangements, and managing email accounts.

  • How it makes money: By charging clients per hour or per task
  • How it finds customers: Through networking, virtual assistant platforms, and direct outreach
  • Potential monthly revenue: Varies, but virtual assistants can earn between $500 to $3,000+ a month
  • Ease of Starting: 7/10

3. E-commerce Store

Running an e-commerce store involves selling physical products online directly to consumers. This can be done through platforms like Etsy, eBay, or Amazon, or on a personal website.

  • How it makes money: By selling products at a profit
  • How it finds customers: Through online marketing, social media advertising, and search engine optimization (SEO)
  • Potential monthly revenue: Depending on the success of the store, this can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars per month
  • Ease of Starting: 6/10

4. Social Media Management

Social media managers handle the social media presence of businesses, including creating and scheduling posts, replying to fans, and creating social media strategies.

  • How it makes money: By charging clients a monthly fee
  • How it finds customers: Through networking, social media, and direct outreach to companies
  • Potential monthly revenue: Can range from $1,000 to $10,000+ a month, depending on the number of clients and the complexity of the tasks
  • Ease of Starting: 7/10

5. Graphic Design Services

Graphic designers create visuals for businesses including logos, marketing materials, and digital content.

  • How it makes money: By charging clients per project
  • How it finds customers: Through online design platforms, networking, and their own website
  • Potential monthly revenue: Depending on the rate and the number of clients, this can range from $1,000 to $8,000+ a month
  • Ease of Starting: 6/10

6. Blogging

Bloggers write and publish articles on their website on various topics. They can earn income through a variety of channels.

  • How it makes money: Through advertising, sponsored posts, affiliate marketing, and selling products or services
  • How it finds customers: Through SEO, social media marketing, and email marketing
  • Potential monthly revenue: Can range from a few dollars to tens of thousands of dollars per month, depending on traffic and revenue streams
  • Ease of Starting: 8/10

7. Online Tutoring

Online tutors provide one-on-one educational support to students in a variety of subject areas.

  • How it makes money: By charging per hour or per session
  • How it finds customers: Through online tutoring platforms, local advertising, and word of mouth
  • Potential monthly revenue: Depending on the subjects and the number of students, you could earn between $1,500 to $5,500/month
  • Ease of Starting: 5/10

8. SEO Consultant

SEO consultants assist businesses in improving their website's ranking on search engines. They conduct site audits, research keywords, and develop strategies for improving search engine optimization.

  • How it makes money: By charging clients an hourly rate or a fixed fee for a project
  • How it finds customers: Through networking, online marketing, and SEO industry events
  • Potential monthly revenue: Depending on the number of clients and the complexity of the tasks, this can range from $2,000 to $10,000+
  • Ease of Starting: 6/10
  1. Web Development

Web developers build and maintain websites for clients. This involves coding and designing the site, as well as troubleshooting any issues.

  • How it makes money: By charging clients per project or an hourly rate
  • How it finds customers: Through networking, online job boards, and a personal portfolio website
  • Potential monthly revenue: Can range from $3,000 to $10,000+, depending on the complexity of the projects
  • Ease of Starting: 5/10
  1. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketers promote other companies' products or services and earn a commission on each sale made through their referral link.

  • How it makes money: Earns commission on each sale made through the affiliate link
  • How it finds customers: Through content marketing, social media advertising, and email marketing
  • Potential monthly revenue: Can range from $100 to $10,000+, depending on the success of the promotions
  • Ease of Starting: 7/10
  1. Online Course Creation

Online course creators develop and sell courses on a variety of topics. These courses can be hosted on personal websites or platforms like Udemy or Coursera.

  • How it makes money: By selling access to the courses
  • How it finds customers: Through content marketing, social media advertising, and email marketing
  • Potential monthly revenue: Can range from $100 to $10,000+, depending on the popularity of the courses
  • Ease of Starting: 6/10
  1. Digital Marketing Consultancy

Digital marketing consultants help businesses improve their online marketing strategies. This can include SEO, social media, email marketing, and content marketing.

  • How it makes money: By charging an hourly rate or a fixed fee for a project
  • How it finds customers: Through networking, online marketing, and industry events
  • Potential monthly revenue: Depending on the number of clients and the complexity of the tasks, this can range from $2,000 to $10,000+
  • Ease of Starting: 6/10
  1. Podcasting

Podcasters create and distribute audio content on various topics. They can earn income through sponsorships, advertising, and crowdfunding.

  • How it makes money: Through sponsorships, advertising, and crowdfunding
  • How it finds customers: Through content marketing, social media advertising, and podcast directories
  • Potential monthly revenue: Can range from $50 to $10,000+, depending on the audience size and number of sponsors
  • Ease of Starting: 6/10
  1. Online Personal Training

Online personal trainers provide fitness training and advice to clients remotely. They may offer live sessions, pre-recorded videos, or written workout plans.

  • How it makes money: By charging for individual sessions, memberships, or workout plans
  • How it finds customers: Through social media, fitness apps, and word of mouth
  • Potential monthly revenue: Can range from $500 to $5,000+, depending on the number of clients and the pricing structure
  • Ease of Starting: 7/10
  1. App Development

App developers create mobile applications for clients or for their own business. They can earn money by selling the apps, offering in-app purchases, or through in-app ads.

  • How it makes money: By selling the app, offering in-app purchases, or through in-app ads
  • How it finds customers: Through app stores, social media marketing, and a personal website
  • Potential monthly revenue: Can range from $500 to $10,000+, depending on the success of the apps
  • Ease of Starting: 5/10
  1. Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality Developer

Virtual Reality (VR) or Augmented Reality (AR) developers create immersive digital experiences for various platforms. This emerging field offers significant potential for innovative one-person businesses.

  • How it makes money: By selling VR/AR experiences or offering development services to clients
  • How it finds customers: Through VR/AR platforms, networking, and a personal website
  • Potential monthly revenue: Can range from $1,000 to $10,000+, depending on the success of the VR/AR experiences
  • Ease of Starting: 4/10
  1. Photography

Photographers can sell their photos online on platforms like Shutterstock, or offer photography services for events or businesses.

  • How it makes money: By selling photos or charging for photography services
  • How it finds customers: Through photo selling platforms, networking, and a personal website
  • Potential monthly revenue: Can range from $200 to $5,000+, depending on the quality and quantity of the photos
  • Ease of Starting: 7/10
  1. Life Coaching

Life coaches help people make progress in their lives, offering advice and encouragement to help them achieve their personal and professional goals.

  • How it makes money: By charging clients for individual sessions or packages
  • How it finds customers: Through networking, online marketing, and client referrals
  • Potential monthly revenue: Can range from $1,000 to $6,000+, depending on the number of clients
  • Ease of Starting: 6/10
  1. Dropshipping

Dropshipping involves selling products online that you don't have to store or ship yourself. When a customer places an order, the supplier ships the product directly to the customer.

  • How it makes money: By selling products at a higher price than the wholesale price
  • How it finds customers: Through online marketing, social media advertising, and SEO
  • Potential monthly revenue: Can range from $500 to $10,000+, depending on the success of the store
  • Ease of Starting: 7/10
  1. Online Travel Planning

Online travel planners assist individuals in planning their trips, providing advice on destinations, creating itineraries, and booking accommodations.

  • How it makes money: By charging a fee for travel planning services
  • How it finds customers: Through networking, online marketing, and client referrals
  • Potential monthly revenue: Can range from $1,000 to $4,000+, depending on the number of clients
  • Ease of Starting: 6/10
  1. Stock Trading

Stock traders buy and sell stocks with the aim of making a profit. This requires a good understanding of the stock market and trading strategies.

  • How it makes money: By selling stocks at a higher price than they were bought
  • How it finds customers: Not applicable as the income comes from the trading activity, not customers
  • Potential monthly revenue: Varies greatly, from loss to significant gains depending on market trends and trading strategy
  • Ease of Starting: 4/10
  1. Subscription Box Service

Subscription box services send customers a box of products on a recurring basis. The products can vary from beauty products to books to gourmet foods.

  • How it makes money: By charging customers a recurring subscription fee
  • How it finds customers: Through online marketing, social media advertising, and customer referrals
  • Potential monthly revenue: Can range from $1,000 to $10,000+, depending on the number of subscribers
  • Ease of Starting: 5/10
  1. Yoga or Fitness Instructor

Online yoga or fitness instructors offer classes through video or live streaming. They may also offer pre-recorded classes for download.

  • How it makes money: By charging for individual classes, packages, or memberships
  • How it finds customers: Through social media, fitness apps, and word of mouth
  • Potential monthly revenue: Can range from $500 to $5,000+, depending on the number of clients and the pricing structure
  • Ease of Starting: 6/10
  1. Amazon FBA Seller

Amazon FBA sellers sell products on Amazon and use Amazon's fulfillment services to store and ship the products.

  • How it makes money: By selling products at a profit
  • How it finds customers: Through Amazon's platform and online marketing
  • Potential monthly revenue: Can range from $500 to $10,000+, depending on the success of the store
  • Ease of Starting: 6/10
  1. Music or Voiceover Services

Musicians or voiceover artists offer their skills online, providing music or voiceover for ads, videos, podcasts, and more.

  • How it makes money: By charging per project or per hour
  • How it finds customers: Through networking, online job platforms, and a personal website
  • Potential monthly revenue: Can range from $500 to $5,000+, depending on the number of clients
  • Ease of Starting: 6/10

26. Webinar Hosting

Webinar hosts facilitate online seminars or workshops, sharing their knowledge on a particular subject. This can range from business coaching, software tutorials, or even cooking classes.

  • How it makes money: By charging a fee for attending the webinar or offering a paid recording of the session
  • How it finds customers: Through online marketing, social media advertising, and email campaigns
  • Potential monthly revenue: Can range from $500 to $10,000+, depending on the number of attendees and frequency of webinars
  • Ease of Starting: 7/10

27. Resume Writing Service

If you have a knack for professional writing and understanding what employers are looking for, you can start a resume writing service.

  • How it makes money: By charging per resume or cover letter
  • How it finds customers: Through networking, online job platforms, and a personal website
  • Potential monthly revenue: Can range from $500 to $5,000+, depending on the number of clients
  • Ease of Starting: 7/10
  1. Etsy Seller

Etsy sellers create and sell handmade goods, vintage items, and craft supplies on the Etsy platform.

  • How it makes money: By selling products at a profit
  • How it finds customers: Through Etsy's platform and online marketing
  • Potential monthly revenue: Can range from $200 to $10,000+, depending on the success of the store
  • Ease of Starting: 7/10
  1. Social Media Influencer

Social media influencers build a large following on social media and earn money through sponsorships, advertising, and product promotions.

  • How it makes money: Through sponsorships, advertising, and product promotions
  • How it finds customers: Through social media platforms and networking
  • Potential monthly revenue: Can range from $200 to $10,000+, depending on the size and engagement of the following
  • Ease of Starting: 6/10
  1. Video Game Streaming

Video game streamers broadcast their gameplay on platforms like Twitch, earning money through viewer donations, advertising, and sponsorships.

  • How it makes money: Through viewer donations, advertising, and sponsorships
  • How it finds customers: Through streaming platforms and social media
  • Potential monthly revenue: Can range from $100 to $10,000+, depending on the size and engagement of the audience
  • Ease of Starting: 6/10

31. Translation Service

Offering translation services can be a profitable one-person business, especially if you're bilingual or multilingual.

  • How it makes money: By charging per word, per hour, or per project
  • How it finds customers: Through networking, online job platforms, and a personal website
  • Potential monthly revenue: Can range from $500 to $5,000+, depending on the number of clients and the languages you can translate
  • Ease of Starting: 7/10
  1. Personal Chef

Personal chefs prepare meals for clients, often in the client's home. This business could be adapted to an online format by offering virtual cooking classes or meal planning services.

  • How it makes money: By charging for individual sessions, meal plans, or cooking classes
  • How it finds customers: Through networking, online marketing, and client referrals
  • Potential monthly revenue: Can range from $1,000 to $6,000+, depending on the number of clients
  • Ease of Starting: 6/10
  1. eBook Author

eBook authors write and publish their books online. They can write fiction, non-fiction, how-to guides, or any other type of book.

  • How it makes money: By selling eBooks on platforms like Amazon Kindle
  • How it finds customers: Through online marketing, social media advertising, and author platforms
  • Potential monthly revenue: Can range from $100 to $10,000+, depending on the success of the book
  • Ease of Starting: 6/10

35. Podcast Producing

Podcast producers assist with the technical aspects of recording, editing, and publishing podcast episodes.

  • How it makes money: By charging per episode or a monthly fee
  • How it finds customers: Through networking, online marketing, and podcast platforms
  • Potential monthly revenue: Can range from $500 to $5,000+, depending on the number of podcasts produced
  • Ease of Starting: 7/10
  1. Podcasting

Podcasters create audio content on a specific topic, earning money through advertising, sponsorships, and listener donations.

  • How it makes money: Through advertising, sponsorships, and listener donations
  • How it finds customers: Through podcast platforms, social media advertising, and networking
  • Potential monthly revenue: Can range from $100 to $10,000+, depending on the podcast's popularity
  • Ease of Starting: 6/10
  1. Home Organization Service

If you love organizing and decluttering, you can offer a service to help people organize their homes or offices. This can be done through virtual consultations or guides on home organization.

  • How it makes money: By charging per session or selling home organization guides
  • How it finds customers: Through social media advertising, online marketing, and home organization platforms
  • Potential monthly revenue: Can range from $500 to $5,000+, depending on the number of clients and the success of the guides sold
  • Ease of Starting: 8/10
  1. Life Coaching

Life coaches help individuals navigate their personal and professional lives to achieve their goals.

  • How it makes money: By charging per session or offering membership packages
  • How it finds customers: Through online marketing, social media advertising, and coaching platforms
  • Potential monthly revenue: Can range from $1,000 to $10,000+, depending on the number of clients and the rates charged
  • Ease of Starting: 7/10
  1. Digital Product Creation

Digital product creators sell products like software, courses, eBooks, and graphics online.

  • How it makes money: By selling digital products online
  • How it finds customers: Through online marketing, social media advertising, and digital product platforms
  • Potential monthly revenue: Can range from $500 to $10,000+, depending on the success of the products
  • Ease of Starting: 6/10
  1. Email Marketing Consultant

Email marketing consultants help businesses improve their email marketing efforts, offering services like email strategy, copywriting, and analytics.

  • How it makes money: By charging a fee for email marketing services
  • How it finds customers: Through networking, online marketing, and client referrals
  • Potential monthly revenue: Can range from $1,000 to $7,000+, depending on the number of clients
  • Ease of Starting: 6/10
  1. Social Media Advertising Consultant

If you're savvy with social media advertising platforms, you can start a consultancy service helping other businesses leverage social media for marketing.

  • How it makes money: By charging per project or a monthly retainer
  • How it finds customers: Through networking, online marketing, and social media platforms
  • Potential monthly revenue: Can range from $1,000 to $10,000+, depending on the number of clients and the success of the campaigns managed
  • Ease of Starting: 7/10
  1. Teaching Music Lessons Online

Music teachers can offer lessons online, teaching students how to play an instrument, sing, or write music.

  • How it makes money: By charging for individual lessons or packages
  • How it finds customers: Through networking, online marketing, and client referrals
  • Potential monthly revenue: Can range from $500 to $3,000+, depending on the number of students
  • Ease of Starting: 6/10
  1. Selling Stock Photos

Photographers can sell their photos on stock photo websites, earning a royalty each time one of their images is downloaded.

  • How it makes money: By earning a royalty for each image downloaded
  • How it finds customers: Through stock photo websites and online marketing
  • Potential monthly revenue: Can range from $100 to $2,000+, depending on the success of the photos
  • Ease of Starting: 6/10
  1. Selling Crafts Online

Crafters can sell their handmade items online, using platforms like Etsy or their own eCommerce website.

  • How it makes money: By selling crafts at a profit
  • How it finds customers: Through online craft marketplaces, social media advertising, and online marketing
  • Potential monthly revenue: Can range from $200 to $5,000+, depending on the success of the store
  • Ease of Starting: 7/10
  1. YouTube Channel

If you have a unique idea or expertise to share, consider starting a YouTube channel.

  • How it makes money: Ad revenue, sponsorships, and affiliated marketing
  • How it finds customers: Through SEO, social media, and collaborations with other YouTubers
  • Potential monthly revenue: Can range widely from $100 to $10,000+ depending on channel growth and views
  • Ease of Starting: 7/10
  1. Data Analysis Consulting

Data analysis consultants help businesses make sense of their data, providing insights and recommendations to drive decision-making.

  • How it makes money: By charging a fee for data analysis services
  • How it finds customers: Through networking, online marketing, and client referrals
  • Potential monthly revenue: Can range from $1,000 to $8,000+, depending on the number of clients
  • Ease of Starting: 5/10
  1. Home Staging Consultation Online

Home staging consultants help homeowners prepare their homes for sale, offering advice on how to make the home more appealing to potential buyers.

  • How it makes money: By charging a fee for home staging consultations
  • How it finds customers: Through networking, online marketing, and client referrals
  • Potential monthly revenue: Can range from $500 to $3,000+, depending on the number of clients
  • Ease of Starting: 6/10
  1. Digital Marketing Consulting

Digital marketing consultants help businesses improve their online marketing efforts, offering services like content strategy, social media marketing, and search engine optimization.

  • How it makes money: By charging a fee for digital marketing services
  • How it finds customers: Through networking, online marketing, and client referrals
  • Potential monthly revenue: Can range from $1,000 to $10,000+, depending on the number of clients
  • Ease of Starting: 6/10
  1. Video Editing Services

Video editors offer editing services for a variety of video types, from short social media clips to full-length films.

  • How it makes money: By charging per project or per hour
  • How it finds customers: Through networking, online job platforms, and a personal website
  • Potential monthly revenue: Can range from $1,000 to $7,000+, depending on the number of clients
  • Ease of Starting: 6/10
  1. Content Writing Services

Content writers create written content for websites, blogs, social media, and other platforms. This can include articles, blog posts, product descriptions, and more.

  • How it makes money: By charging per word, per hour, or per project
  • How it finds customers: Through networking, online job platforms, and a personal website
  • Potential monthly revenue: Can range from $500 to $5,000+, depending on the number of clients and the rate charged
  • Ease of Starting: 7/10
  1. Voiceover Services

Voiceover artists provide narration for videos, commercials, podcasts, and more. This work can be done remotely with the right equipment.

  • How it makes money: By charging per project or per hour
  • How it finds customers: Through networking, online job platforms, and a personal website
  • Potential monthly revenue: Can range from $500 to $5,000+, depending on the number of clients
  • Ease of Starting: 6/10

52. Elderly Tech Tutoring

As an elderly tech tutor, you can help older adults navigate modern technology, from using smartphones to navigating social media.

  • How it makes money: By charging per lesson or a monthly fee
  • How it finds customers: Through local community centers, senior homes, or online advertising
  • Potential monthly revenue: Can range from $500 to $3,000, depending on the number of clients
  • Ease of Starting: 8/10

53. Online Disaster Preparedness Consultant

Provide online consultations to individuals, families, and businesses to ensure they are ready for various emergency situations.

  • How it makes money: Charging for individual consultations, group webinars, and selling guides or resources
  • How it finds customers: Online advertising, collaborations with local government or non-profit organizations
  • Potential monthly revenue: $500 to $5,000, depending on the number of consultations
  • Ease of Starting: 6/10

54. Genealogical Research Service

Help individuals trace their ancestry and create detailed family trees.

  • How it makes money: Charging for research hours and the creation of family trees or reports
  • How it finds customers: Word-of-mouth, online advertising, and social media platforms
  • Potential monthly revenue: $1,000 to $5,000, depending on the complexity of research and number of clients
  • Ease of Starting: 7/10

55. Online Plant Doctor

Provide consultations and advice on plant care and diagnosing plant diseases.

  • How it makes money: Charging per consultation
  • How it finds customers: Social media, online marketing, collaborations with nurseries or garden stores
  • Potential monthly revenue: $500 to $2,000, depending on the number of consultations
  • Ease of Starting: 8/10

56. Virtual Escape Room Creator

Design and operate virtual escape rooms, providing fun team-building experiences for remote teams.

  • How it makes money: Charging per session
  • How it finds customers: Corporate collaborations, online advertising, social media
  • Potential monthly revenue: $1,000 to $5,000, depending on the number of bookings
  • Ease of Starting: 7/10

57. Specialized Recipe Developer

Create unique, specialized recipes for specific dietary needs, such as gluten-free, keto, or allergen-free recipes.

  • How it makes money: Selling recipe books, charging for individual recipes, or ad revenue from a blog or YouTube channel
  • How it finds customers: Online marketing, collaborations with health food companies or dieticians
  • Potential monthly revenue: $500 to $3,000, depending on the popularity of the recipes
  • Ease of Starting: 8/10

58. Bespoke E-invitation Design Service

With a flair for design, create personalized e-invitations for parties, weddings, and other special events.

  • How it makes money: Charging per project or per invitation design
  • How it finds customers: Networking, online advertising, and collaborations with event planners
  • Potential monthly revenue: $500 to $3,000, depending on the number of projects
  • Ease of Starting: 7/10

59. Remote Team Building Activities Consultant

Plan and host virtual team-building activities for remote teams, promoting engagement and collaboration.

  • How it makes money: Charging per session or a monthly retainer
  • How it finds customers: Networking with remote businesses, online advertising
  • Potential monthly revenue: $1,000 to $5,000, depending on the number of clients
  • Ease of Starting: 6/10

Hopefully this list gives you some inspiration for your own business projects. And, if you're looking for a way to keep track of all the planning while getting setup, why not use Bizway's AI business planning software to help you get started. Try Bizway today.


Gerrard + Bizway AI Assistant

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